Speech and Language Clinic

中文博彩平台言语和语言诊所(HSUSLC)服务于整个阿比林和大国的普通人群. 该诊所为儿童和成人客户提供各种语言的诊断和干预服务, 语言, and swallowing disorders. 其主要目标是为所有年龄段的客户提供高质量的语音和语言服务,并成为HSU言语语言病理学系研究生的中心培训场所.

在诊所, HSU研究生临床医生在有执照和认证的语言病理学家的直接监督下与客户一起工作. 我们的学生可以接触到语言病理学领域的最新研究成果,并与他们的专家导师携手合作,在评估过程中确定客户的需求,然后提供最好的干预措施.

经过全面的评估,重点确定客户的具体优势和挑战, intervention may be recommended. Intervention will target the identified areas of communication challenges, beginning with the identification of appropriate goals. Treatment plans are individualized for each client, depending upon the unique communication strengths and weaknesses.

The mission of Hardin-Simmons University is 在基督教信仰和价值观的指引下,致力提供卓越的教育. 为此目的, 本中心致力免费提供高质素的言语及语言服务.

Speech and Language Clinical Services

HSUSLC专注于通过将循证实践和当前研究整合到各种障碍人群的评估和治疗中来提供卓越的服务, 包括:

  • Articulation (difficulty pronouncing sounds)
  • 的声音
  • 流利(结巴)
  • 开发语言
  • 读写能力
  • Aphasia (acquired 语言 disorder)
  • Apraxia and dysarthria (motor speech disorders)
  • Feeding and swallowing
  • Pragmatics (social communication)
  • Cognitive communication (attention, memory, organization)


Abilene, TX 79698-6172


电子邮件地址: slp@i-conwood.com

每个新客户都需要进行评估,评估将由研究生临床医生在有执照和认证的语言病理学家的直接监督下完成. 评估的目的是确定沟通优势和挑战,然后确定适当的治疗方案. 评估通常从与客户及其家人的深入访谈开始,这使我们的专家能够了解沟通能力和关注的问题. The assessment may include formal and informal measures in the form of observations, 标准化考试, 和问卷调查. Following the assessment, 第二次预约将与客户及其家属一起审查结果和建议.

Scheduling an appointment

要安排预约或获取更多信息,您可以致电(325)670-1014或发送电子邮件 slp@i-conwood.com.  在安排初次访问之前,您还需要填写一份客户接收表. Download the pediatric client intake form or download the adult client intake form. Following completion of the form, please return it to slp@i-conwood.com, and our staff will contact you to schedule the initial assessment. 如果你想通过邮寄的方式返回入学表格,你可以把它寄到以下地址:

Abilene, TX 79698-6172


The HSUSLC is located in the Hemphill/Caldwell Complex on HSU’s campus. 查看 校园地图. Parking is available in the east lot adjacent to Caldwell Hall. You will check in on the 1st floor. If you go through the doors marked “Lee Hemphill Music Building,“你可以登记入住的语言病理学套房就在你的正前方.


当临床医生收集有关具体问题的信息时,家庭成员可能是评估过程的一部分. When the focus of the assessment moves to identification of the client’s abilities, family members may observe from the observational room. 请注意,在评估过程中,家长/看护人必须留在现场.

After the assessment

Following the assessment, a second appointment will be necessary. During this second appointment, 您的临床医生将审查评估的结果和建议,并将向您提供书面报告.  You may schedule your second appointment on the day of assessment, 或者您可以选择等待,让我们在报告完成后打电话安排这次约会. Please allow up to ten days for the clinician to generate the report.


The HSUSLC follows the University’s academic calendar, providing speech and 语言 services year-round during three semesters (i.e., fall, spring, and summer). The frequency of treatment sessions will be determined on an individual basis. 通常, 需要继续服务超过一个学期的客户每学期被分配给一个新的临床医生. 这使客户能够提高他们在各种情况下推广新技能的能力,并为我们的临床医生学生提供不同的经验.


Family members are welcome to observe treatment sessions from the observational room. 请在观察室内尽量减少噪音,善待他人. 还请注意,家长/看护人在孩子的治疗期间必须留在现场.

Canceling an appointment

If you need to cancel your appointment for any reason, 请尽快致电(325)670-1014或发送信息至 slp@i-conwood.com. Thank you for your consideration in keeping your appointments.

How to help your family member

有家庭参与语言干预过程的患者通常比那些没有家庭支持的患者进步更快. 询问你的家庭成员的临床医生,你可以在家里做些什么来帮助他们继承从诊所学到的技能. Remember that speech-语言 therapy can take a lot of time and effort. 在你的家庭成员完成这个项目的过程中,要有耐心和理解.


您的保密是最重要的,因为我们提供演讲和语言服务. All graduate clinicians, 监事, 和支持人员都经过培训,遵守HIPPA协议,以保护您的健康信息. 仔细的政策和程序到位,以确保您的隐私得到维护.


We love for family members to play an active role in the intervention process. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the course of treatment, please feel free to discuss them with your assigned clinician. Should you feel that you need to speak with the clinician’s supervisor, you may contact Dee Kirby, 临床主任, at 325-670-1039 or Dee Ann Shelton, 项目负责人, at 325-670-1020.

失语症小组是一个让失语症患者每周聚在一起的地方,在一个有执照的SLP的监督下,与训练有素的毕业生临床医生一起工作. Aphasia group focuses on building relationships, improving confidence with communication, learning new strategies, participating in life activities, 玩得开心. 它是基于失语症的生活参与方法的原则,该原则已被该领域的领导者推荐.

The HSU aphasia group meets on 星期二下午2点开始.m.-3 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters. We meet on the HSU campus in the Hemphill Music Building. It is free to all members and does not require an evaluation prior to attending.

To register for aphasia group, simply call 325-670-1841 or e-mail slp@i-conwood.com.